SWPRSC Educator Mentoring Program (Teachers, Counselors, Reading & Library Media Specialists)

Southwest Plains offers several options to help your district's educators complete the KSDE required mentoring for licensure.

Option 1: District uses LOCALLY chosen mentors to implement the SWP program

  • SWP provides your local mentors with KSDE required ANNUAL training, either face to face or virtually.

  • SWP provides a handbook and resources on required topics to be utilized with new educators, specific to their type of license.

  • SWP provides a suggested timeline for tasks and required forms for documentation.

  • SWP provides an online platform for all documentation by the mentor and the mentee.

  • SWP provides a summary report to the district, as well as a completion certificate.

  • SWP provides ongoing support to all in the program - licensure questions, directions for upgrade, etc.

Option 2: District uses an SWP Consultants as mentors to implement the SWP program (minimum new teachers required, limited consultants - request early)

  • SWP provides a consultant at a mentor with weekly contacts: 3 weeks to be emails, calls, or virtual and 1 on-site visit, face to face..

  • SWP provides an online platform for all documentation by the mentor and the mentee

  • SWP provides a summary report to the district, as well as a completion certificate.

  • SWP provides ongoing support to all in the program - licensure questions, directions for upgrade, etc.

For more information, contact SWPRSC at 800-728-1022.